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April 11, 2022

Q&A Health & Lifestyle / Nina Dapper Lifestyle Coach and Model

Hi loves, We tried to answer as many questions as possible in this video. Hope it will help and inspire you!

1. How many calories should We eat?
2. What is a healthy sleeping routine like?
3. Can you change the way you look without gaining or losing weight?
4. We eat healthy and workout, but don’t see results. What to do?
5. How to have a healthy relationship with food?
6. How to increase the height?
7. Does eating at night cause gaining weight?
8. Can We workout on an empty stomach?
9. How to workout during the period?
10. We lost the period, what to do?
11. Should We do the same workout every week/day?
12. How to workout while traveling or on holiday?
13. How to increase the intake and gain weight?
14. How do We know if We meet the needs of the body?

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name is Nina Dapper. Content Creator is an international high fashion model and professional lifestylecoach. What can you find on the Channel? You will find many workout videos for a lean, slim and toned body. We also post lots of lifestyle related videos and vlogs. We love to share healthy recipes with you and take you with to the travels, fashionweeks and photoshoots.

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